The Barrelfish source contains a number of technical notes, which are rough and ready documentation, tutorials, reference manuals etc. for the system. A recent snapshot of PDF files is available on [[|the Barrelfish web site]], but the most up-to-date versions are in the tree. This article describes how to generate these. The instructions below assume you downloaded the Barrelfish source and configured it as described in [[Getting_Started|Getting Started with Barrelfish]]. == Requirements == Additionally to the requirements listed in [[Getting_Started|Getting Started with Barrelfish]] you need the following tools: * LaTeX-Distribution (packet ''texlive'' on Ubuntu or Debian) * Graphviz - Graph visualization (packet ''graphviz'' on Ubuntu or Debian) == Compiling == Change into the build directory of the Barrelfish source {{{{ cd barrelfish/build }}}} and run {{{{ make docs }}}} After the generation finished, the documents can be found in {{{{ barrelfish/build/doc/ }}}} == Errors == If you get the following error, check if the ''dot'' program (which ships with graphviz) is properly installed. {{{{ dot -Tpdf ../doc/010-spec/ -o ./tools/tmp/app_cspace.pdf make: dot: Command not found }}}}